

Dr. 亚历山大MechitovWhat is your name and current title with the 澳门在线赌城娱乐?
Dr. 亚历山大Mechitov, professor of management information systems in the 斯蒂芬斯商学院.

Where are you from and what city do you currently reside in?
I have been living in Montevallo for the last 23 years. 我和妻子从俄罗斯来到这里, where I got my education and worked for 16 years at the 俄罗斯n Academy of Sciences.

If you hold any degrees, what are they in, and from what schools?
I earned my bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Moscow State University in Moscow, 俄罗斯, and doctorate in Systems Analysis at the Institute for Systems Studies. It was and is one of the leading institutions of the 俄罗斯n Academy of Sciences with a very diverse multidisciplinary research agenda that combines studies in math and economics with social studies.

I have been working in 斯蒂芬斯商学院 since 2001.

你以前在这里做过什么工作吗? 如果有,它们是什么?
I came here as an associate professor and was promoted to full professor in 2006.

The 澳门在线赌城娱乐 has many attractive features. 第一个, its small size shortens the communication channels at both college and university levels, 这样更容易与学生建立联系, solve any problems and establish social connections throughout the campus. I think my wife and I were the first 俄罗斯n faculty on campus, and we were surrounded by warm attention and some curiosity. Second, it has a truly charming campus where it is nice to spend not only your office time. Over the last 10 to 15 years, it has become even better with so many new well-designed buildings.

在我长期任职期间, 我有机会与许多总统一起工作, 教务长, 院长和同事们. What is interesting and important to me is the ability of this school to keep a very collegial and very friendly atmosphere. You are always welcome in any room and any office on campus, and everybody here is very responsive. In particular, the University is tremendously supportive of faculty scholarly projects. Whether you need additional funding for research projects, 参加会议或其他设备, you know that your request will be seriously considered.

Do you have any interesting stories about one of your favorite experiences here?
在过去的四五年里, I have been running an extensive student research program in 斯蒂芬斯商学院. It gave me a rare opportunity to very closely connect with very bright young students while helping them advance their research projects, which they proudly presented at the University and regional Council of Public Liberal 艺术 大学 (COPLAC) conferences, 甚至出版了他们自己的第一份出版物. While it takes a lot of time and effort, it is extremely rewarding to watch their progress.

What’s your proudest accomplishment since being at UM?
I am highly satisfied with my research record at the 澳门在线赌城娱乐. 我的学术项目, including those done in cooperation with my colleagues, helped me to hold the endowed chair position at 斯蒂芬斯商学院 for two consecutive terms. Along with the University Scholar award and the Best Graduate Teacher award, 这些是我最重要的成就.

正如一个流行的广告所说的那样, 多亏了3P:人, people and people — which in this case means my colleagues, 无论是在职的还是已经退休的, 学生和广泛的校园社区.



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